Elia Bay

Natura 2000 Network

EU Logo
"Stretching over 18% of the EU’s land area and more than 8% of its marine territory, Natura 2000 is the largest coordinated network of protected areas in the world. It offers a haven to Europe's most valuable and threatened species and habitats."

It is a Elia Bay Co. core interest to maintain the beauty of its land and to support Meganisi people in their efforts to build a sustainable future for their island.

Fossil Fuel Free Operation

Elia Bay Co will be operated without using fossil fuel whenever possible. On the water, wind, human muscel power or alternative drives will push the boats. On land, solar panels will produce an excess of electricity which will be supplied to the local grid. Land transportation will be carried out by electric vehicles or by foot.

Reuse and Repair

The Elia Bay Co fleet will be made up with boats which must follow under one of these categories:
  • highly innovative boat
  • self built wooden boat
  • older used boat
An exemption will be the purchase of the Optimist sailboat. Boats are long life items which can be in operation for generations.

No Single Use Plastic

Almost everybody agrees, that we have a problem with plastic waste in the ocean (and on land). But it is hard to limit the plastic usage because almost everything you buy is wrapped in plastic or is inside a plastic container. So we have to be creative to find solutions which will please our guests and eliminate plastic use.

Alternative Marine Propulsion

  • battery electric
    Battery powered boats are allready on the market and are fine for short ranges at moderate speed.
  • hydrogen fuel cell electric
    If you need to cover longer distances, hydrogen becomes an option. Elia Bay Co initiated a project to design and build a hydrogen powered boat and will invest into a hydrogen generation unit
  • ammonia
    Ammonia might be an option for larger boats and passenger transport. The storage of Ammonia can be compared to the storage of propane (camping gas) but there is no supply of green ammonia so far. Elia Bay Co could provide know how in ammonia cracking
  • 2nd and 3rd generation biofuels
    On sailboats, the use of 2nd and 3rd generation biofuels might be the prefered option, due to their high specific energy density, even if these fuels might be expensive. Elia Bay Co will support efforts to make these fuels available in the area.

We love our Planet and Meganisi

Elia Bay Co wants to be a part of the island and its people